Saturday, July 23, 2005

One of the pools at our new apartment. We are right on the water, and our balcony overlooks the pool and the bay.

At the beach.

Great Cuban restaurant with our friend Jana- no English spoken here.

Ocean view from our balcony!

New home in Miami

Whew! Moving is hard work, if anyone is still checking this obviously we haven't had time to update it in a while. But, we are on the ground and our new address as of July 29 officially has the word "beach" in it!

Mel and Stacy Marten
1508 Bay Road, Apt 333
Miami Beach, FL 33139

We sold our house in St Louis ( we signed the contract while eating Chinese take-out in a Roadway Inn motel room in Chattanooga after it was faxed to us there. Oddly enough, my fortune cookie said "You are heading for the land of sunshine"!) The young married couple even requested the Fridge of Fame, so it is in good hands.

The drive down was great, except for cats getting stuck crawling around the luggage piled in our rental SUV, and us running out of money at the toll booth on the Florida turnpike.

Our first month has been in corporate housing in downtown Miami. Our weekends have been full of barbequeing on the beach and sleeping by the pool. We even had two visitors already. Oh, and getting lost attempting to find Target, the grocery store, and getting home.

Stacy's new job is going great. She started July 1 with Russell Investment Group.