Sunday, April 17, 2005

Stop # 1 - Newport, California

Six hours and counting until we depart for Hong Kong...

We arrived at LAX Friday morning around 10ish. Sunshine, white sand, sailboats, celebrities, and friends are just a few words to describe our three days in Cali.

It all starts at a Mexican Restaurant in Newport. After a great dinner and a few drinks, we were standing there with Mike F., Silvia S., Chuck, Bridget and Josie Auer. All of a sudden, Mark McGraff (SugarRay and Entertainment Tonight) walks into the restaurant. Mel goes right up and asked for a picture with him - classic. We will try to post that one soon. After the photo shoot, we headed to Sharkie's to meet Lori (who surprised us and drove to Newport from Phoenix), Shannon and Chris (friends who just moved to Newport).

The next morning we went to breakfast at Cappie's and guess who was in the booth next to us??? Mark Mcgraff with two friends. I think he was following us.

The night was topped off on a roof overlooking the beach. We all watched the sun go down over the ocean and then started to BARBQ. After awesome food and many laughs, the boys decided to head out on bikes. Lets just say that Mel ran into a jumping rose bush (like our friend Brian F. many years ago in Phoenix). He ended safe and sound, just another great story to start off our trip.

Thanks to all our friends for a great trip in Newport! Off to PF Changs before leaving for Hong Kong. I know, Stacy was craving Chinese.


At 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was great to see you guys in Newport. Wish we could have stayed out longer but we didn't want to keep the 6 week old at the bar too long.

Have a great trip!!!!!!!
Chuck, Josie, & Bridget


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