Monday, June 06, 2005

We found Paradise (Beach)

Our hotel in Mykonos sits on a hill and has a beautiful pool overlooking the city, but it would be a crime to go to a hotel pool here, as this island is known for having some of the best beaches in the world. We figured out the bus system for the island, which seems a little more disorganized than many places, and headed for Paradise Beach on the southern part of the island. All of the beaches here are in small coves with white rocky cliffs on the sides, and blue water stretching out in front of us. We relaxed on the beach all day with lots of locals, as many Greek families typically come to Mykonos for summer vacation.

Just above the sand on one side of the beach is a swimming pool surrounded by a terrace with pillow covered beds overlooking the sea. White curtains flow down from columns standing above the pool. Around 5 pm, a DJ started blasting dance music and we walked into the funnest party we have ever been to! It was insane- everyone was dancing around the pool, dancing on tables, dancing on the beds, dancing in the pool, and of course, drinking shots of ouzo. People were jumping up and down, blowing whistles, and yelling "ayiyiyi". The music was great and we made lots of new friends. I don't think the ancient Greeks could have partied any harder than this.

We headed to our hotel that night to watch the last of the sunset from the balcony of our hotel room. It was one of the best sunsets we have ever seen. We then took a short nap before heading out with all the locals for dinner at midnight, and more fun afterwards. When we left the bar at 3 am, it was still getting more crowded- crazy.


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